Eternal Ink - Ink Sets

Find the set that meets your artist needs!
Eternal Ink is the best tattoo ink on the planet and is a brand trusted by tattoo artists around the world. We lead the way by setting strict standards in product consistency, quality ingredients, and outstanding performance for our tattoo inks. We take great satisfaction in knowing that artists believe and trust in Eternal Ink. We quality control every step of the process so the stunning bottle of Eternal Ink you bought last month will be a dead-on match with the bottle you'll order next month. We know that consistency is critical to you, your art and your reputation. We know because we are artists, too. That is the real secret of Eternal Ink ... Made for artists by artists.
The Best Tattoo Inks On The Planet!
Discounted artists sets available now.
Individual bottles are also available.
Artist sets are 2 oz sized bottles.
Black and White is available in 8 oz bottles.
Available now in select artist sets seen below.